Grayson Barber is a retired attorney in Princeton, New Jersey. She is proudest of her work as a privacy advocate from 1999-2014. She worked with the ACLU, EPIC, EFF, and other civil liberties groups, serving on boards and litigating cases. Her favorite clients were librarians, who understood better than anyone that privacy and freedom of expression work together in perfect harmony, and that the First Amendment protects both. In 2013 she received the Intellectual Freedom Award bestowed by the New Jersey Library Association. She served on the New Jersey Privacy Study Commission, the state Supreme Court Special Committee on Public Access to Court Records, and the Individual Rights Section of the New Jersey State Bar Association. As a preceptor at Princeton University, Grayson contributed to courses on discrimination and the law. She retired from the practice of law in March 2014.
Curriculum Vitae W. H. Auden, The Unknown Citizen
“I know it is easy to protect the interests of the rich and powerful; but it is a great labor to guard the rights of the poor and downtrodden – it is the eternal labor of Sisyphus, forever to be renewed.” –Thaddeus Stevens (1866)